Hello everyone!!Our story meeting will sing to opening song " Letter parade!" this month.So today my son and I made the letters.
First, I wrote on the paper and my son put in colors to an outline pictures.
And then put them on the thick paper.
And cut out the letters.
And we sang together "Letter parade!".
Hello, A!
Hello, B!
Everyone wave to the letter C!
I like those smiles, D and E.
Very lively, F and G.
H and I, you must not play.
"March like us!" say J and K.
L, M, N, you've got the beat!
O and P, lift up those feet!
Q, you're tripping! Tie your laces.
R, S, T, please find your places!
Excellent marching, U and V.
Good for you, W, X, Y, and Z!
We had a really good time....