< Hallym Winter English camp >
Hallym English camp was so fun! It started in December 29 to January 25.
I was doing Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There were Monday, Wednesday and Friday too.
First of english camp, it was interesting. Teachers are from Australia. But there was two korean teacher. and TA teachers. My level was J1. The highst level in elementary school students.
The 1st class is with Jin teacher, in 306 class. Jin teacher was only my Korean teacher.
It was listening and speaking class. We have to speak loudly and naturally. So, we practice a lot.
The 2nd class is with Jennifer teacher in 304 class. She is Australian. We called her, Jenny.
It was reading class. I like reading. but the book was little bit hard.
The 3rd class is with Christine teacher, in 204 class. We called her, Chris. She is wonderful
teacher. She was my best teacher. She is Australian and she was always kind to me.
It was grammar class. I don't like grammar but,, teacher was good! So now, I interst of grammar.
and the end of 3rd class, we were eating lunch.
The 4th class is with Simo teacher, in 302 class. He is Australian. I like him.
He was always kind to me. It was writing class. I like writing very well. and he said, " Your writing is great! so do more practice and you will get a nice writing!"
The 5th and 6th class is activity with Leanie teacher. We were doing 'Welcoming Party' 'Talent Show' 'Roal Playing' ' Mini Olympics' 'Treasure Hunt' 'Sing-along' 'Flea Market' 'BBQ Party'
'Golden Bell Quiz Show' 'Final Exam' and 'Performance'
It was great experience to me!